The power to communicate when where and how your customers prefer is now here thanks to Customer Communications Manager. Learn More
Cloud Content Services offers businesses a way to backup data and allow remote access to their employees. Cloud-file sharing eliminates the cost of Virtual Private Networks and allows anyone to access files remotely and securely from a myriad of platforms by syncing files in the cloud.
BCS Cloud Content Services can offer you a policy-driven cloud that will grant you complete control over the security and storage location of your data and offers enterprises the same seamless and easy access to documents, folders, images and video as Dropbox and Google Drive offers to individuals.
Cloud Content Services Benefits
Contact the BCS Consulting team to schedule an interactive, custom-tailored demonstration of any BCS Systems product or solution.
LET'S GET STARTEDThe power to communicate when where and how your customers prefer is now here thanks to BCS and Kofax Customer Communications Manager.
Learn More